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      ABSTRACT The research was carried out in Hi Tech Tilapia Hatchery at Dagonbhuiya of Feni district and Green Field Hatchery of Laxmipur district to determine the breeding performance of three different strains of tilapia such as BFRI strain, Local strain and Philippine strain those are under aquaculture practice in Bangladesh. The study was carried out to address the specific objectives such as determination of fecundity, percentage of egg bearing female, hatching rate of egg and survival rate of hatchlings. The experiment consisted of three treatments viz., T1, T2, and T3. The treatments were randomly assigned with three replications viz., R1, R2 and R3. BFRI strain was stocked in treatment T1, the local strain in treatment T2 and the Philippine strain in treatment T3. Each replication has one hapa and stocked with 300 male and 100 female, so altogether 9 hapa were set up with different strains of tilapia. All female from each of the hapa were checked fortnightly for collecting eggs and 30 male and 30 female were collected for counting the total length and total weight. After collection, eggs were transferred to the hatchery and separated as three grades, grade-I-pale yellow color, grade-II-deep yellow color and gradeIII-radish color eggs. During collection, the eggs of 10 females were separated in 10 trays and transferred to the hatchery for determination of fecundity through counting 1g eggs and total weight of eggs of each female. The mean value of the fecundity (the rate of the production of egg at an average) per fish with minimum and maximum were found in BFRI strain as 601.64 (222.56, 865.17), local strain as 663.20 (114.36, 927.94) and 372.30 (127.06, 554.48) in Philippine strain. The mean no. of egg bearing female percentage with minimum and maximum value were 27.44 (19.33, 41.89) in BFRI strain, 20.26 (8.00, 31.67) in local strain and 10.07 (5.67, 13.33) in Philippine strain. The hatching rate of three strain with minimum and maximum was 63.10 (38.18, 88.95) in BFRI strain, 64.56 (49.38, 82.63) in local strain and 45.28 (23.18, 87.58) in Philippine strain. The mean result obtained in survival rate in percentage of three strains of tilapia larval development stages with minimum and maximum were 80.10% (67.45, 87.18) in BFRI strain, 51.79% (16.38, 77.51) in local strain and 72.45% (49.68, 91.46) in Philippine strain. Fecundity 937.94 high in local strain where 865.17 in BFRI strain and 554.48 in Philippine strain, egg bearing female percentage 27.44 high in BFRI strain where 31.67 in local strain and 13.33 in Philippine stain, hatching rate 64.56 is high local strain where 82.63 in local strain and 87.58 in Philippine stain, percentage of survival rate 80.10 high in BFRI strain then 72.45 in Philippine strain and 77.51. Therefore, it can be concluded that BFRI strain of tilapia is better than Philippine stain and local strain. [1]
      ACID SOIL [2]
      ADULT GIRIBAZ PIGEON (Columba livia) [1]
      Advance fingerling [1]
      Algal pathogen [1]
      Antibiotics used in aquaculture [1]
      AROTDARS [1]
      Arsenic [1]
      artifically induced wounds [1]
      ASCARIASIS [1]
      assssssss [1]
      Avian [1]
      avian influenza [1]
      Bacterial population [1]
      Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI) [1]
      BARI [1]
      Beef fattening [1]