A case control study was conducted to ascertain the prevalence of clinical diseases and/or
clinical conditions of 2090 sick pet dogs presented to the District Veterinary Hospital, Sylhet
during the five years period from January 2009 to December 2013. A total of 32 types of
diseases and conditions in 6 categories were recorded in these pet dogs and their variation in
prevalence were analyzed on the basis of year, age, gender, season and breeds of dogs. The
prevalent diseases and/or conditions from lower to higher included Jaundice (0.670%),
Esophageal obstruction (0.957%), Infertility (1.100%), Stomatitis (1.148%), Fractures
(1.244%), Poisoning (1.244%), Abortion (1.292%), Allergic (1.292%), Rabies (1.292%), Tail
gangrene (1.292%), Tetanus (1.340%), Hepatitis (1.388%), Otitis interna (1.388%),
Dystochia (1.627%), Wound (1.722%), Metritis (1.771%), Arthritis (1.914%), Vaginitis
(2.153%), Canine parvo virus infection (2.344%), Pneumonia (2.488%), Canine distemper
(2.584%), Coccidiosis (2.584%), Fever of unknown origin (2.679%), Myiasis (2.727%),
Keratitis (2.871%), Lice infestation (4.976%), Diarrhea (5.311%), nutritional deficiency
(6.172%), Tick infestation (6.938%), Mange (7.990%), Dermatophytosis (12.057%), Internal
worm infestation (13.445%). Age-wise overall prevalence of clinical diseases revealed
highest in age group above 36 months (47.512%) compared to that in 7 to 36 months
(31.627%) and up to 6 months (20.861%) age groups of pet dogs. The significantly highest
prevalence of diseases and/or clinical conditions was recorded in local (31.577%) and cross
(22.2%) breeds of pet dogs in comparison to that in their counterpart breeds of German
shepherd (20.478%) Doberman (11.723%), Rottweiler (8.804%), Labrador (3.158%),
German spitz (2.057%). Results from season-wise analysis of overall prevalence of diseases
and/or clinical conditions in pet dogs among rainy (23.206%) Summer (37.560%), and
Winter (39.234%). The highest prevalence of internal parasitic diseases (13.445%) followed
by fungal diseases (12.057%) Tick infestation (6.938%), Mange (7.990%), Lice infestation
(4.976%) Myiasis (2.727%) and Diarrhea (5.311%) suggest a poor husbandry of these pets in
Sylhet. Results of this study indicate that the risk of zoonotic infection by canine intestinal
parasite may be high in Sylhet. Another study was contemporarily conducted in different dog
owner’s house of Sylhet city for the study of rearing system. This study was conducted in 20
dog owner’s house in 58 dogs of 7 breeds i.e. German Shepherd, Doberman, Rottweilar,
Labrator, German spitz, Cross, Local. Among them highest percent is German shepherd
(36.20%) and (41.379%) were male where (58.621%) were female.