Avian colibacillosis is an infectious disease caused by E. coli. It is a common disease in
poultry flocks worldwide especially in the intensive farming system including Bangladesh.
The present study was conducted in Aftab Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory, Bhagalpur,
Bajitpur, Kishoregang. About 75 broiler of different ages were collected where sick (n=25)
and dead (n=50) birds manifesting the characteristics clinical sign of colibacillosis (watery
diarrhea, weakness, anorexia and weight loss etc) from five poultry farms in Kishoregang
district. Cloacal samples of sick birds were collected aseptically in sterile test tubes. After
collection of swab sick broiler were euthanized by intracardial administration of saturated
MgSo4 solution. A thorough post mortem examination of all broiler birds was carried out.
Liver and spleen samples were collected separately in sterile test tubes for further
bacteriological examination. Out of 75 samples 54 were observed positive. The overall
prevalence of colibacillosis in broiler was 72.00%. Prevalence of colibacillosis in day old-7
day, 8-14 day, 15-21 day, 22-28 day, 28-35 day was 73.33%, 75.00%, 90.47%, 71.42%,
38.46% respectively. Chi-square test using age group as independent variable reveals that
there was no significant difference of occurrence of colibacillosis in different age groups in
broiler. From the finding it may be concluded that colibacillosis is endemic in this area. Thus
preventive measures should be taken from the starting point of the birds rearing. Strict
biosecurity measurement, improved managemental system and use of effective antibiotic
against colibacillosis should be implemented to control this disease in broiler.