The present study was carried out to investigate the epidemiological situation and pathological findings of
Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in goat in Sylhet district over three year period from 2011-2013. For
epidemiology, prevalence was determined based on data of four upazilla veterinary hospital in Sylhet
district, categorized into different age groups and seasons. Diagnosis was made by clinical signs and gross
pathology. Histopathological investigation was carried out on lung, liver, heart, spleen and intestine. A total
8975 goats were examined of which 1628 were found to be affected with PPR (18.14%). The prevalence was
significantly higher (P<0.01) (19.86%) than Sylhet Sadar (19.3%), Fenchuganj (16.261%) and Joyntapur
(15.402%). There was significant (P<0.01) difference of PPR prevalence among the different age groups
where younger goats (<2 year) were affected more than older goat. Goats of <2 year age group had the
highest prevalence (21.58%) followed by (16.78%) in 2-3 year (13.28%) in 3-4 year and the lowest
prevalence (8.84%) was found in >4 years age group. The prevalence of PPR was significantly (P<0.01)
higher in winter season (20.27%) than that of rainy (19.21%) and summer season (14.82%). Clinically there
were anorexia, respiratory distress, coughing, foul smelling diarrhoea, encrustation and erosion in lips and
gum. Oculonasal discharges were the common findings. At necropsy, stomatitis, congested and
pneumonic lung, hemorrhagic liver, zebra striping in colon were characteristic findings. Frothy mucus
was observed in cut pieces of lung on squeezing. Histopathologically, in lung, there were interstitial
pneumonia, congestion with infiltration of inflammatory cells within interstitium, lumen of alveoli, bronchi
and bronchiole, Presence of syncitial cell in the alveoli. Depletion of mature lymphocyte and congestion of
capillaries were seen in spleen. In intestine, neumerous inflammatory cells were found in the submucosa and
lamina propria. Congestion and hemorrhages were found in heart and liver.