A study was carried out to investigate the status fish production and biodiversity in
Kawadighi haor of North-East region of Bangladesh from January to December 2014. The
study was undertaken through direct catch assessment survey in three beels of the haor and
direct interview with fisherman, general people and Upazila Fisheries Officer through
questionnaire. A total of 87 fish and prawn species under 12 order and 25 family were found
in the haor of which Cypriniformes got the top position having 37 species followed by
Siluriformes (19), Perciformes (12), Channiformes (4), Synbranchiformes (4), Decapoda (3),
Clupeiformes (2), Osteoglosiformes (2), Anguilliformes (1), Tetraodontiformes (1),
Cyprinodontiformes (1) and Beloniformes (1). Four species among 12 critically endangered,
19 species among 25 endangered and 10 species among 14 vulnerable fish species were
found in the studied haor. The hector-wise values of Shannon-Weaver diversity (H),
Margalef’s richness (d) and Pielou’s (J) evenness indices were 2.98, 7.72 and 0.67 in
Hawagulaia, 2.97, 7.52 and 0.67 in Patasingra and 2.61, 7.30 and 0.59 in Salkatua beel,
respectively. Among 449 respondents 54.12% made positive comments on effect of
aquaculture on fish production and biodiversity of the Kawadighi haor while 35.86% made
negative comments and 10.02% made no comment on it. Moreover, average annual fish
production of the haor was 704.09 kg/ha. SIS fish dominated the total production of the haor.
It ranged between 70.57 and 51.8%. It was maximum in the non-stocked beel. Per hectare
SIS production of non-stocked beel was lower than the fingerling stocked beel. Aquaculture
may have positive impact on the fish production and biodiversity. The results indicate that
Kawadighi haor is a very resourceful inland open waterbody in both biodiversity and
production which may serve as a mother fishery and gene bank. So, conservation measures
should be taken to protect the valuable resource.