The research work was carried out on 25 cattle for 28 days and observed on 7 days after
treatment to investigate the efficacy of indigenous medicinal plant (Neem) and Ivermectin
against ectoparasites (Ticks) in cattle and to determine the comparative effects of Neem
(Neem leaf 15%, Neem seed 15%, Neem oil 7%) and Ivermectin (injectable formulation) on
certain hematological parameters (Hb, PCV, and TEC) in cattle. Ticks infestation was
examined physically on individual animal. The procedure of examination was to count the
adult tick of para lumber region with an area of 6×5 i.e. 30 square cm. The selected 30
square cm were marked with a permanent color and ticks within this area were counted at
pre-treatment and post- treatment period. In control group T0 ticks were gradually increased
on 7
days of treatment. On the other hand , group of T1, T2, T3 treated
with Neem leaf, Neem seed, Neem oil showed variable efficacy ectoparasites infestation by
killing ticks i.e. Neem leaf -68.40%, Neem seed- 60%, Neem oil -57%, whereas, Ivermectin
showed 100% efficacy in group T4 within 14
, 14
, 21
, and 28
days of treatment. The body weight of
parasitic infected cattle was increased significantly after administration of Neem (Neem leaf
15%, Neem seed 15%, Neem oil 7%) and Ivermectin. It might be due to proper digestion,
absorption and metabolism of feed nutrient because of absence of ectoparasitic infection. The
present findings support the earlier observation of Kalakumar et al. (2000), Shrivastava and
Das (2003). In the present study effectiveness of Ivermectin against ectoparasites infestation
was quite higher than Neem leaf, Neem seed, Neem oil. The efficacy was detected by
physical examination. The present findings support the earlier observation of Imrul (1997),
Ninkov and Savin (1986), Pedroso et al.(1994); Thompson et al.(1994), Titcherer et al.
(1994) and Sangwan et al (1995), Yazwinski et al. (1997) who reported 90% to 100%
efficiency of Ivermectin against tick infestation in cattle. The hematological changes in cattle
affected with the ectoparasites were determined at pre and post treatment period dosed with
Ivermectin and Neem (Neem leaf 15%, Neem seed 15%, Neem oil 7%). The mean value of
haemoglobin was decreased in the ectoparasites affected cattle (control group T0) and
increased (group T1, group T2, group T3, group T4) significantly on 28
days of treatment. The
results are in agreement with the reports of Nettleton and Beekett (1996) and Anosa (1977).