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dc.contributor.authorALAM, KHAIRUL
dc.description.abstractCoccidiosis has negative economic impact on the commercial poultry industry and sulfonamides have a good coccidiostatic effect on control and treatment of broiler coccidiosis. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of broiler coccidiosis in Bogra district and comparative investigation of efficacy on four locally used Sulfonamides Esb3 , Coccicure ® -30%, Coccino ® ® , Navacox ® in broiler coccidiosis experimentally infected by Eimeria spp based on the mortality rate, body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, number of oocysts per gram (OPG). To know the prevalence, fifteen farms were selected in different part of the Bogra district and observed every day, during the experimental period out of 15 farms , 12 farmes (80%) were found affected with coccidiosis. For comparative investigation sixty, one day old broiler chicks, Cobb-500 breed were divided equally and randomly into 6 groups (10 chicks /group) and reared in litter up to 28 days of age. Groups were designed as group T0 as negative control: non-treated and non-infected, group Ti as positive control: non-treated and infected and then group T1, T2, T3 respectively. Groups Ti and T1, T2, T3 and T4 were infected at 12 days old by 100,000 oocystes. Groups T1, T2, and T4 were infected and received Esb3 ® -30%, Coccino ® ® , Navacox ® , Coccicure and 25 T3 and T4 were treated at 17 days of age. OPG test was done on 11 st th th , 15 st , 17 rd , 21 th , 23 , 24 th days of rearing period. Also weekly mortality, weight gain and feed conversion rate (FCR) were recorded. In the negative control group T0 and treated group T1, T2, T3 and T4 didn’t show any mortality but infected positive control group Ti had 20% mortality after 28 days of rearing period. The mean live weight in T2 group was 39.56% increase (1368.7±17.7) on 28 days which was significant dissimilar from positive control group Ti. Positive control group Ti was 25.02% decrease (980.7±20.5) on 28 days from negative control group T0 which was 1308.0±17.8. The live weight was statistically significant (p<0.05) on 21 days and 28 days compared to other treated groups. The feed conversion ratio were 1.45 and 1.61 on 3 week respectively in T2 group which were significantly different (p<0.05) compared to other treated groups. Number rd th and 4 of less mean OPG shedding was 9300±321, 3500±208 and 1200±115 on after 3 days, 5 days and 6 days treatment respectively in T2 group which were significantly different (p<0.05) compared to other treated groups . Also, they completely inhibit the oocyst shedding in infected groups’ one week after treatment. Based on this experiment, the efficacy of four locally used sulfonamides Esb3 ® on treatment of broiler coccidiosis induced by Eimeria spp have a significant difference (p<0.05). The result provided that the birds of Coccino -30%, Coccino ® ® , Navacox ® , Coccicure ® treated group showed the best live weight, feed conversion rate and less oocystes shedding as compared to other treated groups. Key word: Sulfonamides, Esb3 ® Prevalence, Eimeria, broiler chickens, body weight, FCR, OPG. -30%, Coccino ® ® , Navacox ® , Coccicureen_US
dc.publisherDept. of Pharmacology and Toxicologyen_US

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